
Award-Winning Products
2024 Distinguished Research Award by the Association of Chemical Sensors in Taiwan (2024『臺灣化學感測器科技協會』學術傑出獎) 07/01/2024
2024 Outstanding Female Researcher by Corning Incorporated (2024康寧女性研究員最佳論文獎) 05/23/2024
Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (under contract no. MOST 111-2628-E-005 -005 -MY3)(科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫(個別型))08/01/2022—07/31/2025
Third Prize in Poster Session, 2022 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology Applications (SEMBA2022), Taiwan09/03/2022—09/04/2022
2021 Best Academic Service Award, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2021國立中興大學服務特優I)08/01/2021
2021 Visiting Fellowship by the Ministry of Science and Technology2021-2022
Best Oral Presentation Award, Oral Presentation, 2021 Annual Conference of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME 2021)-Annual Report of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan11/19/2021—11/20/2021
Outstanding Paper Award, Oral Presentation, 2021 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology Applications (SEMBA2021), Taiwan7/9/2021—7/11/2021
Best Presenter Award, Oral Presentation, 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOSCIENCES AND MEDICAL ENGINEERING (ICBME2021), Malaysia6/29/2021—6/30/2021
Macronix Golden Silicon Award, 2020 (旺宏金矽獎) (Honorable Award of 20th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards), Semiconductor Design and Application Competition, Macronix Education Foundation06/30/2020
Outstanding Oral Presentation Award, 2019 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology (isCEBT), Taiwan 12/12/2019—12/16/2019
Outstanding Poster Presentation Award, 2019 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology (isCEBT), Taiwan 12/12/2019—12/16/2019
Best Paper Award of MDPI Micromachines, Oral Presentation, 2019 International Conference on Smart Sensors, 24th Symposium of Association for Chemical Sensors in Taiwan, and 22nd Nano Engineering and Micro Technology Conference (2019 ICSS, 24th SACST, and 22nd NMC)06/03/2019—06/04/2019
Best Mentor Award, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2018國立中興大學農資院優良勞作教育導師)09/26/2018
Outstanding Oral Presentation Award, 2018 International Conference on Smart Sensors, 23rd Symposium of Association for Chemical Sensors in Taiwan, and 21st Nano Engineering and Micro Technology Conference (2018 ICSS, 23rd SACST, and 21st NMC), Taiwan06/01/2018—06/02/2018
Outstanding Poster Award, 2018 International Conference on Smart Sensors, 23rd Symposium of Association for Chemical Sensors in Taiwan, and 21st Nano Engineering and Micro Technology Conference (2018 ICSS, 23rd SACST, and 21st NMC), Taiwan06/01/2018—06/02/2018
Best Mentor Award, College of Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2017國立中興大學工學院優良導師)2017
Best Oral Presentation Award, 2017 International Symposium on Smart-Sensing Medical Devices and 22nd Symposium of Association for Chemical Sensors in Taiwan (2017 ISSMD and 22nd SACST), Taiwan, R.O.C.05/20/2017
Outstanding Student Presentation Award, 2017 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology (isCEBT), Japan 04/23/2017—04/27/2017