
【-~NOW】National Chung Hsing University:Taichung, TW


Education and qualifications


【2022-05 Nanomaterials】Single-Step Fabrication of Longtail Glasswing Butterfly-Inspired Omnidirectional Antireflective Structures
【2022- International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives】USING LONG SHORT-TERM MEMORY MODEL FOR CLOUD FOREST VEGETATION GROWTH STATUS PREDICTION - A CASE STUDY IN SHEI-PA NATIONAL PARK
【2021-11 Remote Sensing】Vertical Differences in the Long-Term Trends and Breakpoints of NDVI and Climate Factors in Taiwan
【2021-09 Atmosphere】Cluster and Redundancy Analyses of Taiwan Upstream Watersheds Based on Monthly 30 Years AVHRR NDVI3g Data
【2021- Remote Sensing】Time varying spatial downscaling of satellite-based drought index
【2021- 災害防救科技與管理學刊】彰化縣災害特性探討與科研應用
【2020- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture】Adaptive autonomous UAV scouting for rice lodging assessment using edge computing with deep learning EDANet
【2020- Remote Sensing】Integrating MNF and HHT transformations artificial neural networks for hyperspectral image classification
【2020- Remote Sensing】Semantic segmentation using deep learning with vegetation indices for rice lodging identification in multi-date UAV visible images
【2020- Sensors (Switzerland)】Water-soluble chemical vapor detection enabled by doctor-blade-coated macroporous photonic crystals
【2019- Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences】Post-earthquake spatio-temporal landslide analysis of Huisun Experimental Forest Station
【2019- 作物、環境與生物資訊】無人飛行載具應用於水稻秧苗缺株率之影像判釋
【2018-10 土木水利雙月刊】人工智慧模型之建置與應用
【2018-06 IEEE Journal of ed Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing】Timely and Quantitative Damage Assessment of Oyster Racks Using UAV Images
【2018-06 土木水利雙月刊】無人飛行載具發展現況與未來趨勢
【2018- Advances in Intelligent s Research】3D Scene Reconstruction Using Multi-Sources Data
【2018- 災害防救科技與管理學刊】彰化縣洪災脆弱度分析力
【2017-08 Remote Sensing】A Long-Term Vegetation Recovery Estimation for Mt. Jou-Jou Using Multi-Date SPOT 1, 2, and 4 Images
【2017-06 DEStech s on Computer Science and Engineering】Monitoring and Measurement of an Artificial Landslide Dam Using UAV Images and Image-Based Modeling
【2017-06 Remote Sensing】Spatial and Spectral Hybrid Image Classification for Rice Lodging Assessment through UAV Imagery
【2017-02 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science】Reusable macroporous photonic crystal-based ethanol vapor detectors by doctor blade coating
【2017- ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces】Self-Assembled Curved Macroporous Photonic Crystal-Based Surfactant Detectors
【2016-12 Applied Physics Letters】Self-assembled dual-sided hemispherical nano-dimple-structured broadband antireflection coatings
【2016-11 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters】Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Fast and Adaptive Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition With Minimum Noise Fraction
【2016-11 Langmuir】Self-Assembled Hierarchical Arrays for Colored Retroreflective Coatings
【2016-03 Remote Sensing】Exploring Long Term Spatial Vegetation Trends in Taiwan from AVHRR NDVI3g Dataset Using RDA and HCA Analyses
【2016-01 IEEE Journal of ed Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing】Relating Vegetation Dynamics to Climate Variables in Taiwan Using 1982–2012 NDVI3g Data
【2014-05 】Time Series Analysis of Land Cover Change: Developing Statistical Tools to Determine Significance of Land Cover Changes in Persistence Analyses
【2014-04 Physical Geography】Spatial persistence and temporal patterns in vegetation cover across Florida, 1982–2006
【2012- 】A spatial-temporal analysis of vegetation change, land cover change, and health impacts in Florida
【2008- 臺灣水利】短延時降雨強度公式之區域化研析
【2005- 農業工程學報】生態工法規範訂定之探討
【2004- 】自然資源保育施作規範之探討