2024 Climbing the Hundred Peaks for International Students - Hiking and overlooking the majestic mou

2024 Climbing the Hundred Peaks for International Students - Hiking and overlooking the majestic mountains

By participating in this event, international students can see another beautiful aspect of Taiwan. This easy-going trail is a good start for enjoying Taiwan's hundred peaks, and in this event, you can experience a level of stimulation that allows you to discover different aspects of yourself and Taiwan.

Eligibility: International students in the universities of nust system

Date:  May 11, 2024 (Saturday)
0800 Meet at National Taiwan University of Sport.

0810-1030 Head to Hehuan Mountain.

1030-1100 Warm-up and route introduction.

1100-1600 Hundred Peaks climbing activity.

1600-1630 Sharing of experience and feedback.

1630-1830 Return to  National Taiwan University of Sport.

Location: Hehuan East Peak + Shimen Mountain

Fee: Free.  On the event day, meal allowance (NT$ 100 )will be given. Please submit the receipt for food purchased to receive the allowance.
Number of participants: 16 people maximum, admitted in order of application.
(Notification of admission will be sent by email and Line group invitation)
Important notes ⚠️
🔺 Do not be late! Do not be late! Do not be late !
🔺 Please wear comfortable sportswear and sports shoes.
🔺 Pay attention to weather conditions (sunscreen, warm clothing, raincoat).
🔺 Need to provide invoice of the food on the day before you can claim the meal fee.

Contact email:ntusoutdoor@gmail.com
Registration Information: HERE

2024 外籍生百岳攀登活動-健行數里,鳥瞰壯麗群峰



時間:2024/05/11 (星期六)

0800 國立臺灣體育運動大學集合

0810-1030 前往合歡山區

1030-1100 暖身、路線介紹

1100-1600 百岳攀登活動

1600-1630 經驗分享與反思

1630-1830 返回臺體大




聯絡方式 :ntusoutdoor@gmail.com
報名資訊 :HERE

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