【NCNU X NUST】International Student Health and Aesthetic Outdoor Recreation and Exploration Experien

Through kayaking and Stand Up Paddle (SUP) at the crescent bay of Sun Moon Lake (water recreation) and climbing at the Outdoor Exploration Education Center (outdoor exploration), participants will experience three of the most popular emerging leisure activities. This event allows international students to appreciate the beauty of Sun Moon Lake and National Chi Nan University from different perspectives.

📌Eligibility: International students from institutions affiliated with NUST
📌Total Activities: 3 sessions

1.Climbing at the Outdoor Exploration Education Center (Outdoor Exploration Group)
   Location: National Chi Nan University
   Number of Participants: 20 people
   Date: October 26, 2024 (Saturday)

  • 08:30: Gather at HSR Taichung Station 
  • 08:30-09:30: Head to National Chi Nan University
  • 09:30-10:30: Warm-up, outdoor exploration education, introduction to rope equipment use, and challenge route overview
  • 10:30-15:00: Mid-low altitude instruction and practical group activities (group activities; lunch will be prepared by teaching assistants at the outdoor exploration site)
  • 15:00-15:30: Experience sharing and reflection
  • 15:30-16:30: Return to HSR Taichung Station 

2. SUP Padding at the Sun Moon Lake(Water Recreation Group)
    Location: Sun Moon Lake
    Number of Participants: 20 people
    Date: October 26, 2024 (Saturday)

  • 08:30: Gather at HSR Taichung Station
  • 08:30-10:00:Head to Crescent Bay, Sun Moon Lake
  • 10:00-11:30: Warm-up, activity guidelines, instructions for using SUP paddle equipment, and padding route overview
  • 11:30-14:30: SUP Paddling instruction and practical (lunch will be prepared by teaching assistants)
  • 15:00-15:30: Experience sharing and reflection
  • 15:00-16:30: Return to HSR Taichung Station
3. Kayaking at the Sun Moon Lake(Water Recreation Group)
    Location: Sun Moon Lake
    Number of Participants: 20 people
    Date: October 27, 2024 (Sunday)
  • 08:30: Gather at HSR Taichung Station
  • 08:30-10:00: Head to Crescent Bay, Sun Moon Lake
  • 10:00-11:30: Warm-up, activity guidelines, instructions for using Kayaking paddle equipment, and padding route overview
  • 11:30-14:30:  Kayaking instruction and practical (lunch will be prepared by teaching assistants)
  • 15:00-15:30: Experience sharing and reflection
  • 15:00-16:30: Return to HSR Taichung Station

📣The activity is free, please don’t hesitate to join!!
📣The school will provide travel insurance, lunch and transportation for you.

📌Register Deadline: before October 18, 2024

Number of Participants per Session: Limited to 20 people, selected based on the order of registration. Admission notifications will be sent via email.

However, If the seats are fully booked before the deadline, the form will be closed. 
In case of typhoons or heavy rain warnings, postponement information will be communicated via email on October 23.

2024 國際生山水健體美學水域遊憩及戶外探索體驗活動




1. 攀登戶外探索教育中心(戶外探索組)

  • 0830 臺中烏日高鐵站集合
  • 0830-0930 前往國立暨南國際大學
  • 0930-1030 暖身、戶外探索教育及繩索器材設備使用說明、行走挑戰路線介紹
  • 1030-1500 中低空教學及中低空實際分組體驗活動(分組體驗,午餐由助教準備)
  • 1500-1530 經驗分享與反思
  • 1530-1630 返回臺中烏日高鐵站

2. SUP式划槳遨遊日月潭月牙灣(水域遊憩組)活動

  • 0830 臺中烏日高鐵站集合
  • 0830-1000 前日月潭月牙灣水域
  • 1000-1130 暖身、活動注意事項、SUP立式划槳器材設備使用說明指導、航行路線介紹
  • 1130-1430 SUP立式划槳教學及體驗(午餐由助教準備)
  • 1500-1530 經驗分享與反思
  • 1500-1630 返回臺中烏日高鐵站

3.  獨木舟遨遊日月潭月牙灣(水域遊憩組)活動

  • 0830 臺中烏日高鐵站集合
  • 0830-1000 前日月潭月牙灣水域
  • 1000-1130 暖身、活動注意事項、獨木舟器材設備使用說明指導、航行路線介紹
  • 1130-1430 獨木舟教學及體驗(午餐由助教準備)
  • 1500-1530 經驗分享與反思
  • 1500-1630 返回臺中烏日高鐵站





Ms. Yuting Shih/Ms. Kate Lee

International Exchange


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