【講題 Topic】Useful Classroom English for EMI TAs實用課室英語
【日期與時間 Workshops Dates & Duration】2024.12.13(五/Fri)10:00-12:00
【主講人 Keynote Speaker】國立臺北教育大學兒童英語教育學系 張文嘉助理教授 Dr. Christine S. Chang
【講題介紹 Introduce the topic】介紹如何使用課室英語給予指令並增進與同學的互動
Introduce how to use classroom English to give instructions and involve learners
【講題 Topic】Supportive Classrooms for EMI 提高EMI課程對學生的支持性
【日期與時間 Workshops Dates & Duration】2024.12.17(二/Tue)13:00-15:00
【主講人 Keynote Speaker】國立中山大學外國語文學系 黃舒屏副教授 Dr. Shuping Huang
【講題介紹 Introduce the topic】本次演講將從教材呈現、評量設計、課堂用語三個方面,探討在學習過程中如何提供學生所需的幫助,從而提升他們的學習動機。AI 的興起也為課堂帶來了多種學習上的助益,演講中將示範如何利用這些工具改善學習材料,增加多模態輔助材料,創造更具支持性的學習環境。
This presentation will explore strategies for enhancing student support in three key areas: teaching material presentation, assessment design, and language for classroom interactions. With the advent of AI,educators now have access to handy tools to streamline instructional preparation. We will demonstrate how to utilize these tools to improve learning materials and create multimodal aids to support students on their academic journey.
This workshop is bilingual in Chinese and English.
The registration deadline is 12/9, and the event information letters will be sent before the event.
*各場次人數上限 Participant limit per workshop:50
Should the registration exceeds expectation ahead of the deadline, the earlier-filed applications will be given priority processing.
活動聯絡人Contact Person 中興大學教務處賴小姐