【NUST國際迴圈】彰化牛牛之旅Let′s get to know Taiwanese Oxen Farming Culture!


※保證金匯款完成始報名成功!【※Only after remitting your deposit can your application be secured! 
🐂 讓我們一起認識台灣耕牛文化,保護珍貴動物與文化資產!🐂
Let's learn about Taiwan's ox culture and protect these precious animals and cultural assets!
背景資訊 Background Info

Changhua's Xizhou district is an important center of Taiwan's traditional ox-farming, 
known for its rich ox culture. Guided by the local revitalizations team, students will have the opportunity to understand the journey of symbiosis between farmers and oxen, interact with the cattle first-hand, and experience the charm of the enduring agricultural heritage.
Meanwhile, Changhua's Fangyuan district is famous for its sea ox culture. 
People living by the sea used sea ox to assist oyster farming. 
In 2020, it was registered as Changhua's first intangible cultural heritage under the category of "traditional knowledge and practices". With only eight sea oxen left in Taiwan, they are incredibly valuable. We invited the founder of the Sea Ox School to share with us the beauty and sorrow of sea ox and oyster farming.
The event will be included in the “我的中興時代國際〝關〞gathering event
活動議程 Itinerary
🔸 認識役用動物 ( 耕牛 & 種稻 ) Get to know the oxen in service ( oxen ploughing & rice growing)
🔸 體驗與牛共耕 Farming with the oxen
🔸 牛隻日常照顧與互動  Learn about oxen's daily care and how to interact with these beautiful animals
🔸 蚵農體驗 Oyster farming experience
🔸 認識海牛學校  Visit Sea Ox School
🔸 品嚐鮮甜海鮮粥、烤蚵 Seafood porridge / grilled oyster
報名網址 & 截止時間 Application Link & Deadline 
報名網址 Application link
◇ 報名截止時間:9月13日 中午 截止。Registration deadline:  Sep. / 13th 12:00 pm
如果報名人數已滿,將提早關表單。However, If the seats are fully booked before the deadline, the form will be closed. 
💵須繳保證金 新臺幣 500 元 A deposit of NT$ 500 is required.
1. 主辦方將於 Sep.16th email 匯款資訊,
收到後請 「 一週內 」(工作天內) 匯款,未完成者將取消資格。
2. 主辦方核帳確認收到後,將發email通知。
3. 全程參與活動即全數退還。
4. 退款時,因學校作業需要,將跟同學們索要身分證號&退款帳戶。

1. We will email the remittance info to you after the application deadline ( possibly on the week of Sep.16th.)
After receiving it, please remit the deposit within 1 week.
If not, your application will be canceled.
2. Once the organizer receives your deposit, a confirmation letter will be sent to you via email.
3. Only those who participate in the whole tour will be refunded.
4. [Attention!!] Due to school accounting regulations, we will need your ARC No. and bank account when refunding.
※Only after remitting your deposit can your application be secured! 

◇ 歡迎攜帶學伴參加
Your friends from Buddy Program are also welcome! Make sure they fill in the application, too.

活動資訊 開放兩梯報名 Tour Information (2 optional dates)
共兩梯次,可從中擇一  We provide two choices of time: 
◆ 日期 Date: Sep. 27th (Fri.) 08:00 - 18:00
◆ 地點 Venue:彰化溪州 & 彰化芳苑  Changhua County
◆ 交通:Bus
◆ 報名費用 Registration fee: Free

◆ 日期 Date: Oct. 11th (Fri.) 08:00 - 18:00
◆ 地點 Venue:彰化溪州 & 彰化芳苑  Changhua County
◆ 交通:Bus
◆ 報名費用 Registration fee: Free

2個集合點 搭遊覽車 Two Gathering Points to check-in
我們免費提供遊覽車接送,共有兩個集合點,請從中擇一 :
1. 集合點一:07:50 於 中興大學行政大樓一樓前 集合。08:00 發車。 
2. 集合點二:08:20 於 台中高鐵站 6 號出口 集合。08:30 發車。 
3. 活動一週前 email 寄送行前通知。請記得查信。

 We will rent a shuttle bus, and the gathering points are as below; please select one.
1. Gathering Point 1: 07:50 am, NCHU Administration Hall, 1F. Leave at 08:00 am. 
2. Gathering Point 2: 08:20 am, Taichung High Speed Rail station No.6 Exit. Leave at 08:30 am. 
3. We will email a pre-departure notice on Nov. 20th ( Mon. ) Remember to check your email.
聯絡我們 Contact us
◆ 承辦廠商:絲田水舌有限公司  王小姐
Ms. SYLVIA WANG / fruitdry525@gmail.com
◆ 國際處馮小姐 OIA Project Assistant
Tel:(886)  04-22840206  ext.  43
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